Jun 29, 2008

Deeply sorry and crimson

I know I´ve disapointed you and I'm sorry. Ok, I've disapointed myself, and probably no one else because nobody is following my stinky summer blog. But anyway ´'m going to pretend that in some remote corner of the world, a girls my age (teenager) has nothing to do and stumbles across this sorry blog, and is waiting to hear about my sorry events, which I have, of course, not posted. The reason is that I follow thorugh very little of the things I say I'm gonna do. For example, for two weeks now I have had this terrible mess on my desk and I promise myself very night that the next ,orning while I wait and watch bad TV till I go to work I will clean up the assortment of brochures, magazines, pens, books, etc. that litter my mohagony desk. However, it is still there, growing conspicuosly every day reminding me of my falky way of procrastinating.

Anyway, I had said I would post every day and I havent, but from now on I will try my best. So pretty much nothing big and embarissing has happened yet at the bookstore. Yes on my first day I did spill a water pitcher on the register (it survived, and so did I!) and I dropped an expensive painting as I was carrying it around to hang. A really cute guy walked in and asked for a book, and I (after cheking the computer) assured him that we did not have it. My very pretty coworker, who has been working there for a year now was standing behind me, and as I falunted what I hoped was a charming confident smile she told him that I was mistaken, and that the book was upstairs. As my skin turned the color of a nice sunset in LA she went upstirs with the boy and came back down gigglingn and giddy because he had sked her for her number. Another day I re-dropped the painting as I was taking it down, followed by a nasty display of a coughing fit that resembled ashma at the front of the store that I'm positive repelled some customers. I have been told to speak louder, softer, to spell correctly, to hold things tighter, but really no terible expirience has yet encountered me. So I guess you're lucky, because I can just feel all that bad luck that was bound to happen acumulating, and I know it will not end good.

I actually have to go now, maybe get some sleep and tomorrow I might actually find the right book for once, but I promise my readers (that I'm pretty sure don't exist yet YET being the opperative word here and what is keeping me hopefull) and myself that I will post tomorrow, a day in which the starts and planets are aligned to make my day hell (I checked the horoscopes on that).

Please keep coming and reading because you are the only hope that I do something productive this summer.


jen coop

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